Thursday, October 12, 2017


This is an apology
For the stars we cannot see
That burned out bright as phoenix tamed
But came to quick serenity
This brings to mind those of the flames
Who burned out bright without a name
That turned out not to have the time
To beckon from us their acclaim

This is an apology
Because not everyone we see
Will truly get to be
Not every fired arrow
Finds its apple or its sparrow
But if I can, before I go

I find myself gazing yet again
Upon my shining, starry friends
Of worlds and lands I will not see
For they have long burned out to end
But now and then, I breathe back in
The thought that maybe they did send
A story worth admission
Who's submission's plot will ought contend

I remember pondering while watching my mind wandering
Wondering where in all this yonder I can find my own calling
And thus can stop this feeling that my time has been spent squandering
Looking down into the abyss from up in the mist
Up on the cliff, up in the bliss
Trying to figure out how long I've been...this
And I'd be remmissed not to blow a kiss to everything that brought me
Fought me
Distraught me
And therefore, taught me how to exist
For each of those pieces mark a shift
In the paradigm that now I'm trying to fix up
And bring out of the mix up to have to deliver as my gift

And that's what this is
If this counts for an ounce of anything at all
Let it be me looking up after a distant fall
Just to recall
That I've gone through anything at all
Looking up at the stars, set humming
Shimmering back and forth from sunning
Swooning, mooning, blooming, and ballooning
I must give thought to the ones long done
The ones still running
And those that perhaps I'll never see coming

All I can do is wait to congratulate
Those that meet their victory gate while I can stand and wait
For many more may slip by on just the date
That I must bow and duck out late
And if I miss these twists of fate
I beg you not to castigate
For I may have light of my own
That I'll need you do decorate

If I'm not here, when you shine brightest
Please think of me in the politest
For if you miss my moment coming
I hold it against you not the slightest
For sure, I strive for purity
Before I find obscurity
But I can settle for knowing that
In the end, it was always me

This is an apology
Because not everyone we see
Will truly get to be
Not every fired arrow
Finds its apple or its sparrow
But if I can, before I go

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