Friday, January 20, 2017


These four letters
I have a bone to pick with these four letters
An itch that I must scratch, a conversation I must have
A transgression I cannot simply condone
For I am not in a zone, I am not in a place
I am not in a club that allows me to make these four letters my own
I have tried to understand why, and I figure maybe its
Members Are Getting Atonement

(You see what I did there?)

This subject has given me much to ponder
Much to think on for days as I let a mind like mine wander
I mean, the idea that greatness is returning
Is most disconserting
It implies that greatness was present and then left
Or it was stolen, or it was squandered
When did this occur, exactly?
Maybe A General Assertion will help clear things up

And you may say this is ridiculous and monotonous, since
Making Acronyms Gets Annoying
But the struggle is continuous
And the amount of Material Attained, Gathered, Arranged
And presented for this purpose is generous
For we must come to terms, all of us types of individuals
Either interracial, impartial, or indigenous

Mentally Aware Generations Agree
That this issue that presents us is not with any them, but with we
We as a whole must open our eyes to see
Even if what we see is that
Maybe Anarchy Generates Apathy
And the current catastrophe is exactly what follows
Calamity and dastardly disaster rapidly

Yeah, I got a bone to pick with these four letters
I have an axe to grind
Picture Me, A Grinded Axe, and these four letters
As I fight the urge to sit back and cuss
As I try to discuss the feeling of disgust
Which has been thrust upon all of us
In a way that may in time
Require that Maps And Globes Adjust

Our country just brought to power one of the type of men
Who blends division and conquering with favors for friends
And has established a quick habit to condescend, with
Meaningless Apologies, Ghastly Agendas
And Making Aggression Gradually Acceptable
While playing innocent in the end
A man for whom it was a challenge
To find Musicians Actually Giving Acceptance
At his inauguration
A man who,
Although he may suspend the idea, let's not pretend
That we didn't just inaugurate someone who just might
Mandate A Genocide Accidentally

This is someone that has spent his last two months
Meeting And Greeting Assistants
To those that will help dispel the resistance
Of insistence that those who move up in this way
Be held accountable in this or in any instance
Of campaign trail promises that now risk a hint of inconsistent litmus when
Meanwhile, Accountability Grow Ambiguous
As we bear witness

And plenty out there have been
Moping, Adamantly Grieving Autumn
Others are just nodding and smiling
Going along with the program being rolled out
Merrily Agreeing, Gaining Amnesty
Or so they think, and so they plan
We can sit here and
Make A Great Amount of excuses
Look for cause and effect of the useless
Find a seed to plant from the fruitless
Or perhaps we can even give this new route a try
Make A Genuine Attempt to ignore
The previewed, viewed, and reviewed abuses
Getting you to feel like you need a drink of gin and juices
Until you find yourself
Meeting Alcoholics, Generally Anonymously
Just to reduce it

We've paved the way to go backwards
If you can believe that
A friendly place for all of the righteous
Moderately Anti-Gay Activists
In favor of
Making Angry Generals Ambassadors
That support
Manly Alpha-Guy Armies
That make a priority of
Marking And Grabbing Aliens
Making All Guns Available
Making Abortions Generally Antiquated
All coming from a man
That seems to think that things like
The Affordable Care Act, environmental protections
Immigration of Muslims, trans-Pacific trade
And a committed relationship in NATO
Could all be looked back upon one day as
Many Already Gone Anecdotes
I've also seen neophyte zealots from the far right
With eyes lighting up bright when they see signs of
The kind of sights that
Make Aryans Gain Appetite

But lest we forget how many of us have come together
In ways that cannot simply become undone in this country
For the simple fact that we have
Melted And Gelled Anyways
All of us here, together, steadily ready
Different walks of life, different minds
Different skin tones, and different sports teams to cheer for
All of us out here
Medics, Advertisers, Gardeners, Accountants
Meat-packers, Architects, Garbagemen, Archaeologists
Michiganders, Arizonians, Georgians, Alaskans
Those of us that used to be
Mexicans, Angolans, Germans, Australians
Macedonians, Armenians, Ghanaians, Azerbaijanis
Those of us that are still
Muslims, Agnostics, Generalists, Atheists
Even the less excusable of us
Misogynists, Assholes, Gold-diggers, And people that just don't even care anymore
That aren't even reading this because nothing changes with these 4 letters
These four words
These four years...

But here we are
Maintaining A Giant Assimilation
Of other ideas, philosophies, and ways of life
And this one gets in, just as right
This is us, all of us
Mixing And Getting Along
Being who we are when we are us, which usually results in
Making All Get-togethers Awkward
We will get through this
Even if we have to look at the next 4 years as
Missing A Government Already

But what I still can't get past are these 4 letters
Lined up like some creed of pride
Claiming to bridge gaps, when perhaps
All it ever did was divide
Because at the end of the day
The thing I fear that you neglect to say
Is Make America Great Again means
My America Goes Away

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