Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Notice of Resignation

I, Victor Joseph Dupuy, III, being of sound mind and body, do choose to resign from my 20's on this day, May 24th, 2017. I don't make this move lightly, and I hope that it is not taken as a sign of my feelings towards my 20's, but it has come time for me to move on to other endeavors.

Effective at approximately 3:15 P.M. (Or 3:45, I honestly forget which one it is) I will have been alive and active on this planet for three full decades. During that time period, I have needed to grow and develop in ways that I did not fully realize and appreciate in those moments, but would now like to acknowledge. My 20's have had a significant role in that, and I would be remissed in not acknowledging their service and dedication with the utmost gratitude. Many valuable lessons were taught, even if some of them were lessons that should have already been learned long before. Many sobering, inspiring, and at times agonizing memories were made, none of which will soon be erased, not with time, not with therapy, and not with alcoholic beverages. My 20's and I were right there, through ups, downs, ins, outs, and all abouts.

I know it is customary to give two weeks notice before leaving notice such as this, but I happen to know from firsthand experience that my 20's will not mind one bit. We knew this day was coming, even if we just assumed it would somehow take longer than the literal amount of time it takes to become 30 years old. Once again, thank you for everything, god speed, and farewell.

Sincerely and with tremendous reverence,

Victor J Dupuy, III


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